I Love Kuu is a spanish blog that informs about latest news of Koda Kumi. It was born in 2007 and since then we haven't stopped of telling everything we know or find out about the singer. We count with several different sections as you can see on the header. Moreover we created a forum at the end of the same year where you'll be able to meet other fans, give your opinion about varied topics, and much more. If you like our posts, support us sharing them on the social media.

Age: 27
Sex: Female
Location: Seville (Spain)
Function: Administrator
Favourite song: Hot Stuff
Favourite PV: Hot Stuff
e-mail: patry_ai_8@hotmail.es

Age: 27
Sex: Female
Location Madrid (Spain)
Function: Administrator
Favourite song: Trust You
Favourite PV: Trust You
e-mail: kairi_170389@hotmail.com